Organize all the images of your communication department
Keepeek's photo library software is an image management tool that meets the challenges of communication and marketing professionals.
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Keepeek's photo library software is an image management tool that meets the challenges of communication and marketing professionals.
request a demoThousands of assets constitute the visual imprint of the company, and communication professionals are concerned about the image conveyed both internally and externally.
The massive production of digital assets makes the use of a photo library software indispensable to guarantee a coherent communication in accordance with the corporate brand image.
The photo library software is designed to facilitate the indexing, searching and sharing of corporate and community photo collections. The intuitive and simple nature of the tool empowers users to efficiently manage all their images and more.
The photo library software can be used by a variety of users, without any training. In a few seconds, users can find the images they are looking for, in complete autonomy.
Beyond photo management, other digital assets can also be included in Keepeek's photo library software: videos, pdf, graphic and audio documents, etc. The generic term "photo library" is, in fact, more and more replaced by the term "Digital Asset Management" (or DAM) which includes a wider range of assets.
Keepeek makes it possible to manage asset rights, whether they are copyright, reproduction rights, model or property releases.
Thanks to its sharing features, users can create asset selections in a few seconds and share them, in various formats, and under different layouts (thumbnails on a web page, playlists, slide shows, etc.).
With its simple and intuitive interfaces, the Keepeek photo library software allows frequent and occasional users to be completely independent to search and download images.
Communication managers are freed from the time spent searching for assets to provide to their clients, providers or colleagues.
The Keepeek photo library software was designed to facilitate collaborative work between marketing and communication departments with simple and remotely accessible tools.
Teams can share image selections by a simple link, communicate in confidential spaces to select images, comment, request retouching on specific areas or simply process validation workflows.
Contributors integrate images by simply dragging and dropping them into the tool. They can add data individually or in batches in a few clicks.
The application is tailored to the specific needs of each organization, with expert guidance from Keepeek asset managers during implementation.
Keepeek, c’est toutes les trois semaines une nouvelle version livrée à tous les clients en SaaS avec de nouvelles fonctionnalités
Par sa stratégie API First, Keepeek propose des web services pour se connecter à tout l’écosystème des organisations et met à disposition ses propres intégrateurs
4 équipes pour répondre à tous vos besoins : chefs de projet, documentalistes, intégrateurs et customer success
Get all the information you need to start your project quickly.
A solid and durable SaaS platform for a better rationalization of the asset management of organizations: discover the advantages of Keepeek for Information Systems Departments.
A simple and intuitive platform to distribute internationally validated and branded content: discover the benefits of Keepeek DAM for marketing departments.
A platform accessible to the whole network of communicators to find in a few seconds all the images, videos and other media: discover the advantages of a Keepeek DAM for communication services.
A platform connected to all the tools of the production and distribution chains to rationalize the online publishing of products: discover how the Keepeek DAM meets the eCommerce challenges.
An optimized platform for indexing, keywording and searching assets: discover all the power of Keepeek DAM for asset managers.
Test the application for free or get a demo!