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DAM solutions for product teams

Automate the collection, review and distribution of all your product assets.

A DAM solution connected to all retail tools


A team of integrators to connect your DAM with your entire retail ecosystem

Keepeek provides a team of integrators, expert in the implementation of custom integrations to connect the Keepeek eCommerce DAM to all other tools of retail ecosystems: PIM, PLM, MDM, eCommerce platforms, product databases, websites, etc.


A comprehensive and documented API

The Keepeek eCommerce DAM also offers an API that is regularly enriched with new features, to meet all the requirements of interoperability with other information system tools.
Thanks to its API First approach, all product developments are also deployed in the API.

Automation of processes and asset format generation

Keepeek Digital Asset Management for eCommerce has been designed to automate as many tasks as possible, from upload to processing and distribution tasks.
The Keepeek DAM offers several workflow features suited to various uses in order to fluidify the asset production and review chain and to reduce the time to market of products.

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Immediate, international and high availability distribution

When an asset is updated in the Keepeek DAM, all formats generated for the asset are automatically updated to maintain media compliance across all delivery channels.
Keepeek relies on the industry-leading Cloudflare CDN solution to ensure high availability at scale of product images, and to handle peak loads with peace of mind.
The DAM can also interface with another CDN already in place within the organization.

Generation of formats adapted to all channels

The assets from the DAM feeds the different product distribution channels in adapted formats: the Keepeek DAM automatically generates formats tailored to the needs.
The formats provided by the Keepeek DAM guarantee an optimal customer experience, with no processing delays. 

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Management of all types of assets

Images, videos, 3D files, packshots, toolboxes, manuals, documents, etc. Keepeek manages all types of assets used daily to promote products. Specific features for images, videos and rich media guarantee an optimal return on investment for the media produced by product teams.

A strong experience in data recovery

Keepeek teams have perfected an efficient and secure recovery process, whether it involves recovering data and assets from one or more other DAM solutions, drives or hard drives. From preliminary audits to sample validation to final acceptance, Keepeek works with its customers to ensure the swift recovery of all existing data and assets.

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Collaboration to work better, faster

Providers, suppliers and partners contribute directly into the Keepeek DAM to remove emails, misplaced assets and sharing on different platforms. Everything is centralized in the Keepeek DAM. Features dedicated to collaborative work to annotate, comment or ask for rework, guarantee a smooth process and traceability of all steps until validation.

A Proof of Concept to test before committing to a large-scale project

Before launching a large-scale project and incurring the associated costs, some companies wish to validate the functional and technical scope of their future solution and secure guarantees of success. 
Keepeek makes it possible to implement a POC (proof of concept) on a limited scope to show our clients we are the right fit for their project. The POC provides stakeholders and project sponsors with proof of the professionalism of our teams and the quality of our work.


Key benefits



Free your teams from as many time-consuming manual tasks as possible to speed up the launch of your products.



Connect your DAM to your entire retail ecosystem to streamline processes and save time. 


Omnichannel distribution

Automatically generate all necessary formats to ensure the best customer experience on all platforms.


Our references

Sports and leasure
ASO (Amaury Sport Organisation)
La Redoute

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