In 2016, the very first ranking of the top 500 French tech companies was published. For the second year in a row, Keepeek confirms its place in the national ranking alongside large companies from e-commerce and telecoms.In an especially dynamic sector, the French Tech provides about 265 000 jobs for a combined annual income of 81,5 billion euros in 2016. Among the French Tech, 36% of the companies are software providers.Benefiting from a two-digit growth, Keepeek is supported by the trust of more than 250 companies and organizations. Eager to enrich our clients’ experience and fulfil their expectations, we have always adopted a co-development approach. Every year, more than 99% of our clients renew their confidence.Agility, reactivity and proximity are the key ingredients ensuring Keepeek’s success and its 100% French solution. To support our growth and offer the best possible client experience, we are currently looking for new talents to strengthen our dev teams in Rennes and our project and data management teams in Paris. Tell us about yourself at
En 2016 sortait le 1er classement qui recense les 500 entreprises de la Tech française. Pour cette 2ème année consécutive, Keepeek confirme sa position dans ce classement national au côté de grandes entreprises issues du e-commerce et des télécoms.
FrenchWeb 500, le classement des entreprises de la Tech française.
FrenchWeb 500, le classement des entreprises de la Tech française.
In this article, we're going to explore the challenges of product content management and see in concrete terms how the PIM/DAM synergy responds to them, based on companies real-life examples.