Summer time is slowly settling in. You already or will soon require your GPS to easily find your destination. Keepeek has done just the same… to help you locate your media. The geolocation plugin has come to the latest release deployed on July 7 on the Keepeek Cloud.Discover the latest news from your Digital Asset Management solution.
Avec le nouveau module de géolocalisation, vous allez pouvoir localiser vos ressources en un clin d'oeil.With the new geolocation plugin, you can now locate your resources in the blink of an eye.Intuitive and dynamic, the geolocation plugin can help you search your media or any kind of content through their shooting location. You can also search your media using the interactive maps in Keepeek or by typing an address in the search engine.
In order for you to always be up to date with news about your field, we have implemented an alert system. You can be informed or inform others in real time about all changes regarding the media which have been uploaded, modified, downloaded and/or published.
No more emails about basket sharing bearing no images or explanation! With thumbnails included in the automatic email, you can immediately view each media included in the basket. This way, you can save time to establish your first selection.
After all, what is the need to have a DAM system if you cannot automate specific tasks? You may need, for example, to index your media in large batches? Just let Keepeek do it. A program automatically runs at periods of time when it is appropriate for your activity. And is you wish to automate other actions, we can develop the scripts you need.
Your users will now be able to narrow their search, based on several criterion. Indeed, the search form now includes a new field type: the checkbox.Mobile first, Keepeek now handles capital letters to quickly share your media from your smartphone.Come and check our other news and our clients feedback onour blog
Keepeek and Numendo are proud to announce their partnership to offer a high-end content management solution combining technical expertise and powerful DAM platform.
We are delighted to announce the official launch of Akepeek, the result of the collaboration between Keepeek, the French DAM leader, and Akeneo, reference in PIM system.