12 ways to share assets with Keepeek

May 12, 2021
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
Digital asset management sharing options Keepeek

Whether you need to share a single asset or a selection of content, Keepeek offers multiple features adapted to the various use cases you encounter every day. Discover below the summary of the possibilities!

Share a single asset

Share an image in full screen

In the 'Share' tab of an asset detail, you can choose to share an image in full screen by using the 'direct link to image' option. The image is then simply displayed on a page. The link can then be deactivated automatically at a pre-set date, or manually by deactivating the public sharing.

Share an asset with its data

Still in the 'Share' tab of an asset detail, you can choose, via public sharing, to make available any file (video, image, document, zip file, audio, etc.) with the data of its sheet underneath. To do this, use the 'direct link to detail' option. The media is then displayed in a player adapted to its type, with the public data below. For videos, subtitles and chapters are also available. As always, you can deactivate this page manually or automatically at a given date!

Share a video to play online

Use the option 'direct link to the video player' of the public sharing of the 'Share' tab to share a video in full screen. The video is then displayed in full screen, no download necessary. You get all the options of the video player: playback speed, video definition, subtitles and direct access to chapters.

The link can then be deactivated automatically at a date you set, or manually by deactivating the sharing.

Use permalinks

In the 'Share' tab of each asset, you can access the permalinks of its various pre-generated formats. These links, generated with random characters to guarantee their unpredictability, allow direct and permanent access to each format. The advantage of these permalinks lies in the fact that even if a file is replaced, these links are always updated from the latest version.

Be careful, unlike public sharing, these links cannot be deactivated, except by deleting the asset in Keepeek.

Use QR Codes

In the permalinks (see above), each format has a 'QRCode' icon. It offers the possibility to get the link as a QRcode. When you click on it, the code is downloaded locally in png format.

Share multiple assets

Share an image slideshow

Place up to 50 images in a basket to create a beautiful slideshow. Once in the basket, enable public sharing. Copy the link accessible via the 'Direct link to the gallery for images' option.

This link provides the opportunity to display the images as a slideshow. The images change every three seconds, displaying the image title.

If there are other assets in the basket (videos, documents, audio files or others), they will not be included in the slideshow.

Share a video playlist

Select the videos to be included in the playlist, place them in a basket and activate public sharing. Choose the option 'Link to the playlist for videos'. A link is then generated to display the video player with the first video in the basket. The other videos are displayed in a menu on the right hand side of the player. As soon as a video is finished, the next one starts.

Share a selection of assets with or without downloading rights

Still via the baskets, you can activate the public sharing of a selection of assets. By using the link 'Direct link to the basket', you generate a URL. It displays a page with the name of the basket and its content. There are options to allow or deny download options. If you have a portal, you also have the option to generate a page with the custom portal layout instead of the more sober interface of the administration interface.

Share on an existing web page

In the public sharing options, you can use the embed code offered in the public sharing of a single asset or a basket to embed an image, a video, a gallery or a playlist directly into a web page.

Collaborative spaces for asset management

The options presented above allow you to make your assets available to others. The collaborative spaces presented below also, but they go further. Indeed, they also allow other users or guests to interact with you. Users can also share assets with you and collaborate via commenting, annotations, tags, votes, etc.

Collaborative baskets

From a basket, activate this time the 'collaborative sharing' option. Invite other users (whether they have an account in Keepeek or are simply invited via their email address). They can access the basket content, but also modify the content (add and remove assets), add comments, notes, tags and votes.


Click on the 'Workflows' feature in the top bar of the administration interface. You can create custom processes to manage the creation, validation or processing of your assets. Create the necessary steps, define for each step the people involved and the due dates for each step. Assets can be added at each step of the workflow. Notifications allow each contact to be notified when the workflow reaches the steps that concern them.


Complementary module of the Keepeek core DAM, the boards extension provides the opportunity to create collaborative spaces in columns. This feature, like baskets and workflows, makes it possible to invite other users (registered or invited by email) to manage asset projects such as catalog validation, editing or asset indexing.

An asset sharing issue?

Keepeek can help you set up best practices for an efficient and easy management of your assets. Contact us to discuss with our experts!

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