5 key figures to include in your 2020 DAM review

January 8, 2021
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This is some text inside of a div block.

Every year in January, it is common to review how your DAM performed. Simply measure its success with the Keepeek statistics available in your DAM! To generate a detailed report of your activity and define priorities and improvement actions for 2021, just follow the guide!

The key figures

Number of visits

How many times did users access the DAM in 2020? This first general figure, easily available from the statistics (with its graph) is a good figure to measure the DAM pertinence. Is there activity peaks in your DAM? Do you have more and more visits or is your DAM appeal weakening?

The number of uploaded assets

How many photos, videos, digital banners, toolboxes or print documents have been uploaded in 2020? Is the DAM the centralized depository it should be? Is there missing content, asset types absent from the platform?

With the advanced search or the custom navigation, you can extract in a few seconds last year's uploads by asset type, contributor or any other criterion relevan to your needs.

Number of downloads

Are your assets useful to your users? Viewing the asset categories noone ever downloads is key to identify content you could stop producing. On the opposite, if many assets from a certain category are downloaded a lot, it may be time to add more of that kind in your DAM.

By using folders for your marketing campaigns, projects or photo shoots, you may extract their specific statistics to identify the most downloaded projects.

Search habits

How do users search your platform? Checking this can help you adapt the data attached to your assets. In the statistics, you can filter on the search mode to know whether they prefer to use the folder tree, the advanced search or the full text search.

If users mostly use the folder tree to find assets, it may not be necessary to add very comprehensive data in the metadata. On the opposite, if they mostly search by keywords, adding relevant data to each asset is vital

Find all searches which were unsuccessful with the corresponding filter: this is a good way to verify your data is appropriate or whether content is missing. This analysis may guide you towards producing the missing content in 2021 or adding more keywords, synonyms or data to help the search.

Metadata quality

Use the advanced search to find assets with missing info in specific fields. You can spot in a second all assets which have no keywords or caption, ofr example. Depending on the number of assets to fill in, you can anticipate tasks to perform in 2021!

Anticipate the 2021 needs

Define KPI and goals

Use the above metrics to define goals and their Key Performance Indicators (KPI) to measure the success of your actions! Here are a few suggestions, to adapt to your needs, of course:

Goal #1: Collect more content. KPI : + 15% assets.

Goal #2: increase DAM usage. KPI : +1000 visits per month.

Goal #3: produce more videos. KPI : + 35% video content.

Goal #4: improve metadata. KPI : 100% assets with keywords.

Anticipate your storage space growth

Check in your licence area if your assets take a lot of space out of your storage licence. Is it full at 95%? Do you have many videos to add to your DAM in 2021? It may be time to sort through your assets or increase the storage space.

To free up some space, empty your recycle bin. The duplicate removal tool can also help you!

Update your user database

Take advantage of this time to update your user database and remove all obsolete users. You free up user licences for new colleagues, clients or providers for 2021.

Activate new features

With the Keepeek API, you can connect your DAM to other tools: PIM, corporate website, eCommerce website or else. You can then monitor your content dissemination more efficiently.

If you use a lot of images in your Word, Powerpoint or Adobe documents, the Keepeek plugins can be useful to save time and directly include images in your other applications.

You can also implement the Kanban boards to simplify collaborative work in Keepeek for asset production or validation.

Add new types of content through the Keepeek wiki to include a Brand Center, a product catalogue or editorial pages for your users.

You now have all the keys to make the better of your DAM in 2021. we only have to wish you a very Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from Keepeek!

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